
Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cyber Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cyber Bullying - Essay Example This type of bullying often starts as a rumor, a photo or sometimes a forwarded message which spiral out of control. Cyber-bullying affects people at any place and at any time (National Center Missing & Exploited Children 2015). There are diverse forms of bullying, however, the most common are flaming and trolling which involves posting hostile messages with the intention of inflaming the emotions of other people and happy-slapping which involves recording a person being harassed physically then posting the video online. Other forms of cyber bullying include identity theft that involves stealing someone’s password and hijacking their online accounts to post humiliating pictures or information, photo-shopping, physical threats and rumor spreading. In relation to this, Amanda Todd expounds on how she became a victim of cyber bullying (The Amanda Todd Story 2014). In her story, she links he emotional discomfort with her interaction with an unknown person who ended up posting her naked photo in Facebook. It is through the rapid spread of the photo in the social media that she became an enemy to all people including her close friends. Victims of cyberbullying often portray specific signs. For instance, a child being bullied may avoid a computer, cell phone, as well as technological devices associated with receiving messages and emails. Other children may withdraw themselves from family or friends, avoid conversations associated with computers, or exhibit not only signs of low esteem, but also depression and fear. In addition to having poor grades, others develop poor eating and sleeping habits. In her video, Amanda Todd also expounds on the effects of cyber-bullying to her well being. The loneliness she had as a result of losing close friends made her feel depressed to a level that she started using drugs in order to forget about her experiences (How to Change Children from by Standing to Upstanding 2014). Apart from secluding

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